Educational Dynamix fosters schools as workplaces that support teacher initiative, risk-taking, collaboration, and constant learning.
Grounded in a service delivery model that focuses on consulting and training, Educational Dynamix can help overcome many of the issues that are holding back the performance of children in today's schools. By providing customized services and educational programs for administrators and educators as well as students, the professionals at Educational Dynamix can help make a difference for tomorrow's workforce.
For more about our services or to schedule a complimentary evaluation, call Educational Dynamix at (770) 823-0941.
Strategic Planning
EDDY helps organizations develop strategic plans and processes that are easily executed and have a direct impact on the daily operations of their schools. Eddy's model for strategic planning provides direction, energy and motivation to the school or school district. The Eddy model consists of seven to nine phases that help to guide school leaders to align the vision, mission, cultural context and values of a school or school district with daily operations. The model ensures that processes provide easy-to-follow criteria for making day-to-day decisions.
The scope of the school direction and major strategies to support that direction are well-defined using a SMART (Strategic, Measurable, Aligned, Results-Oriented, Targeted) approach. Strategy alignment is used to help individuals throughout the educational structure determine their role in supporting the goals and objectives of their organization.